Tuesday, March 6, 2012

aku lagi prefer...


Dalam banyak2 baju,,perempuan paling banyak baju...macam2 baju ada.  Perempuan akan pakai berjenis2 baju untuk kelihatan cantik. Hari ni aku nak buat comparison mana aku lagi rasa cam lagi best untuk dressing hot and sexy (from my opinion).

1) I prefer lace than silk dress...silk will more reveal your fat. wear it if u definitely have great well proportioned body. Lace seems classic and elegance.

2) Bare at the back seems more seductive than exposing  way too much on your cleavage part.

3) Leopard pattern is hotter than zebra pattern. because the pattern represents the powerful, beautiful and harmful animal itself.

4) This dressing way way definitely hottest and sexy to me. there is nothing to compare than the 'cross out' one.

5) Boots more hotter than high heel to me.

                                                 (dredit pic butik ixora,,sebelah ni x tau)

6) Last sekali,,baju pengantin yg labuci2 bagai,,,serabut la bagi aku...prefer yang simple..


  1. hish i pun xsuke bju pengantin yg bnyak sgt labuci ni.. bju pengantin i naty.. i nak pkai macam puteri hee *mood tergedik hihi ;)

    1. kannn..labuci2 tu rasa berat danserabut kn..princess gown?..santek2,,=)

    2. i pla..nak wat sndiri..hehehe..nak yg berlace.. cantik dowhh..hahaha..tp lace agak mahal r..hahaha

    3. tula..lace yg cantik mahal,,sama2 la kte berusaha ye nk jahit !..(kannn jimat)
